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Sime Darby adamant on upgrading park!
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Sime Darby adamant on upgrading park
KUALA LUMPUR, 8 January 2011 - Sime Darby Property Bhd is not backing on from upgrading the recreational area of the Subang Ria Park.

Its managing director Datuk Tunku Putra Badlishah Tunku Annuar said the upgrading of the recreational park will cover 74 per cent of the 23.32ha land.

He explained that the RM20 million upgrading work would be funded by the profit made from the 250 condominium units that Sime Darby is proposing to build.

We are taking a development risk by upgrading the recreational park first before carrying out any construction works on a portion of the land.

We are open to ideas from the public and towards this end carried out briefing sessions with residents here.

So there is no issue about keeping residents in the dark especially when it is not public land.

He said a dedicated website www was even set up to allow the public to access information and give feedback.

He said the land was allocated to Sime UEP Properties Bhd in 1988, 11 years after the Subang Jaya master plan was gazetted in 1977.

He said the upgrading work was a corporate social responsibility project the company was working on as a gift for the residents for its 100th year anniversary this year.

We are not planning to keep the park However we don't mind setting aside a budget for its upkeep after handing over the maintenance to the local authority Subang Jaya Municipal Council.

When asked about residents' suggestion for the state government to match ringgit for ringgit should they decide to buy the land, he said the land would be priced at market value.

If that happens it (the acquisition) will involve ratepayers' money and more needs to be spent to upgrade and maintain the park We hope that we can come up with a win win solution soon.

As the land-title owner we are responsible for upgrading the park to ensure better safety and facilities for the public.

The matter will now be heard by the state's Appeal Board on Tuesday as Sime Darby Property had earlier filed an appeal against the Council's decision to disallow its application to subdivide 8ha of the 29.3ha plot for residential and commercial development after a protest by residents.

It will also decide whether the Subang Jaya Residents Association can intervene in the case.

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