As stewards of our planet, we must take responsibility for its well-being. Our Net Zero pledges are a crucial step in this journey but addressing our emissions alone is not enough to ensure a sustainable future.

At Sime Darby Property, we recognise that we have the resources and responsibility to do what is right. That’s why we are committed to fostering a harmonious coexistence between urban spaces and the natural world. Our mission goes beyond buildings and infrastructure; it's about championing urban biodiversity.

Aerial view of Bukit Tabur adjacent to KL East Park

Our Urban Biodiversity

Urban biodiversity is more than just about flora and fauna. It is about the health of our environment and what that means to all forms of life. A healthy and balanced environment serves a multitude of functions and benefits for us.

If nature is in balance, so will we. When the air and water are clean, and our climate is well regulated, our cities will stand resilient to all extremities.

At Sime Darby Property, we are striving to create this balance for our planet today and for the generations to come.

Elmina Central Park at City of Elmina.

Our dedication can be seen and felt in the various efforts we put on the ground. From the meticulous approach we use in our planting matrix, to the types of Endangered, Rare and Threatened (ERT) tree species we focus on, we demonstrate our commitment in doing what is right for the environment, and more importantly for our communities.


  • Sime Darby Property’s Nature-based
    Solutions Enhance Urban Biodiversity
    at Bandar Bukit Raja

    Across cultures, the dragonfly symbolises change, happiness, growth, and transformation. At Sime Darby Property, the presence of dragonflies and damselflies, collectively known as Odonates also signifies healthy urban biodiversity.

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  • Sime Darby Property Further Commits to Raising Urban Biodiversity Awareness with the First of Its Kind A-EPIC Partnership

    We are pleased to share Asia ESG Positive Impact Consortium (“A-EPIC”) has announced Sime Darby Property as Urban Biodiversity Partner for its flagship initiatives. This partnership marks an important milestone in our journey towards championing urban biodiversity.

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Our Efforts to Champion Urban Biodiversity cover:

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Prioritising biodiversity protection in our planning with a strict policy against rainforest removal

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Protecting existing ecosystem and endangered species.

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Restoring and enhancing natural habitats within townships

Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property
Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property
Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property
Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property
Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property
Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property

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Be a part of the movement towards a sustainable future.

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Discover Our Efforts in Sustainability Today!

Smooth Coated Otter at Taman Subang Ria

Brown Shrike at Bandar Universiti Pagoh

Malayan Horn Frog at KL East Park

Baya Weaver at City of Elmina

Sunda Colugo at KL East Park

Photo credit: Izereen Mukri, Ecologist, Sime Darby Property